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AISI 316L, additively manufactured, PBF-LB (St_W_50_d_1)

This is supplemental data for the following material description: AISI 316L

The elastic properties (Young's modulus, shear modulus) of austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L were investigated between room temperature and 900 °C in an additively manufactured variant (laser powder bed fusion, PBF‑LB/M) and from a conventional process route (hot rolled sheet). The moduli were determined using the dynamic resonance method. The data set includes information on processing parameters, heat treatments, grain size, specimen dimensions and weight, Young’s and shear modulus as well as their measurement uncertainty.

The dataset was generated in an accredited testing lab using calibrated measuring equipment. The calibrations meet the requirements of the test procedure and are metrologically traceable. The dataset was audited as BAM reference data. The dataset was made available under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (

publication type research result
application area aerospace; energy; medical; automotive; high temperature application
BAM reference data
Young's modulus
Shear modulus
Data set
construction blank type: wall; Inclination of specimen (L-direction) relative to building direction = 45°; layer thickness = 50 µm; m = 8.97 g
experimental setup
  • Measurement of Young´s modulus and shear modulus: Elastotron 2000 (HTM Reetz, Berlin, Germany)
further properties
  • T = temperature
  • m = mass
  • ff(e) = fundamental resonance frequency of the bar in flexure (edge wise)
  • ff(f) = fundamental resonance frequency of the bar in flexure (flat wise)
  • ft = fundamental resonance frequency of the bar in torsion

Manufacturing process and raw materials

Name additively manufactured, PBF-LB
Description machine: SLM Solutions 280HL (SLM Solutions Group AG, Germany); heat treatment: 450°C/4h + furnace cooling
Source material

Physical Properties

Name Value Remark Method and conditions
(average) grain size 0.073 mm EBSD, section parallel to building direction
density 7.929 g/cm³ T = 24 °C
7.9 g/cm³ T = 100 °C
7.86 g/cm³ T = 200 °C
7.818 g/cm³ T = 300 °C
7.775 g/cm³ T = 400 °C
7.729 g/cm³ T = 500 °C
7.705 g/cm³ T = 550 °C
7.681 g/cm³ T = 600 °C
7.631 g/cm³ T = 700 °C
7.58 g/cm³ T = 800 °C
dimension (length) 63.99 mm T = 24 °C
dimension (length) 64.07 mm T = 100 °C
dimension (length) 64.18 mm T = 200 °C
dimension (length) 64.29 mm T = 300 °C
dimension (length) 64.41 mm T = 400 °C
dimension (length) 64.54 mm T = 500 °C
dimension (length) 64.6 mm T = 550 °C
dimension (length) 64.67 mm T = 600 °C
dimension (length) 64.81 mm T = 700 °C
dimension (length) 64.96 mm T = 800 °C
dimension (width) 5.895 mm T = 24 °C
dimension (width) 5.902 mm T = 100 °C
dimension (width) 5.912 mm T = 200 °C
dimension (width) 5.923 mm T = 300 °C
dimension (width) 5.934 mm T = 400 °C
dimension (width) 5.946 mm T = 500 °C
dimension (width) 5.952 mm T = 550 °C
dimension (width) 5.958 mm T = 600 °C
dimension (width) 5.971 mm T = 700 °C
dimension (width) 5.984 mm T = 800 °C
dimension (depth) 2.999 mm T = 24 °C
dimension (depth) 3.003 mm T = 100 °C
dimension (depth) 3.008 mm T = 200 °C
dimension (depth) 3.013 mm T = 300 °C
dimension (depth) 3.019 mm T = 400 °C
dimension (depth) 3.025 mm T = 500 °C
dimension (depth) 3.028 mm T = 550 °C
dimension (depth) 3.031 mm T = 600 °C
dimension (depth) 3.038 mm T = 700 °C
dimension (depth) 3.044 mm T = 800 °C
Mechanical properties
shear modulus 74 GPa ft = 17924.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 24 °C
71 GPa ft = 17535.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 100 °C
68 GPa ft = 17098.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 200 °C
64 GPa ft = 16682.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 300 °C
61 GPa ft = 16261.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 400 °C
58 GPa ft = 15851.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 500 °C
56 GPa ft = 15639.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 550 °C
55 GPa ft = 15419.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 600 °C
51 GPa ft = 14972.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 700 °C
48 GPa ft = 14540.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 800 °C
tensile modulus of elasticity 206 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 24 °C
206 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3807.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 24 °C
206 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 7320.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 24 °C
198 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 100 °C
198 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3737.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 100 °C
198 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 7181.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 100 °C
189 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 200 °C
189 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3653.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 200 °C
189 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 7021.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 200 °C
181 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 300 °C
181 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3575.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 300 °C
181 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6872.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 300 °C
173 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 400 °C
172 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3495.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 400 °C
173 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6720.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 400 °C
165 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 500 °C
165 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3421.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 500 °C
165 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6574.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 500 °C
161 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 550 °C
160 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3378.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 550 °C
161 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6491.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 550 °C
157 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 600 °C
156 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3337.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 600 °C
157 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6412.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 600 °C
149 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 700 °C
148 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3253.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 700 °C
149 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6252.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 700 °C
141 GPa mean ASTM E 1875, T = 800 °C
141 GPa flat-wise in the thickness direction, ff(f) = 3173.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 800 °C
141 GPa edge-wise in the width direction, ff(e) = 6092.0 Hz ASTM E 1875, T = 800 °C
Thermal properties
coefficient of linear thermal expansion 16 10⁻⁶/K T = 100 °C
16.5 10⁻⁶/K T = 200 °C
17 10⁻⁶/K T = 300 °C
17.5 10⁻⁶/K T = 400 °C
18 10⁻⁶/K T = 500 °C
18.3 10⁻⁶/K T = 550 °C
18.5 10⁻⁶/K T = 600 °C
19 10⁻⁶/K T = 700 °C
19.5 10⁻⁶/K T = 800 °C

Images and Graphs

Tensile Modulus of Elasticity at different Temperatures
Tensile Modulus of Elasticity at different Temperatures
Change of Dimensions at different Temperatures compared to 24 °C
Change of Dimensions at different Temperatures compared to 24 °C
Density at different Temperatures
Density at different Temperatures
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion at different Temperatures
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion at different Temperatures
Shear Modulus at different Temperatures
Shear Modulus at different Temperatures
Fundamental Resonance Frequency of the Bar in Torsion at different Temperatures
Fundamental Resonance Frequency of the Bar in Torsion at different Temperatures
Fundamental Resonance Frequency of the Bar in Edge-Wise Flexure at different Temperatures
Fundamental Resonance Frequency of the Bar in Edge-Wise Flexure at different Temperatures
Fundamental Resonance Frequency of the Bar in Flat-Wise Flexure at different Temperatures
Fundamental Resonance Frequency of the Bar in Flat-Wise Flexure at different Temperatures

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Last update: 29.07.2024

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